Events Single Title Weekly Kal-Haven Trail Walks
October 22, 2024
Continuing the years’ long tradition of Tuesday morning trail walks, our weekly Kal-Haven Trail walks will be on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM in September and October, starting September 3. We will meet and start at the trailhead on North 10th Street between G and H Avenues. A few of us walk 2.5 miles to the usually very birdy marsh at 8th Street and then back for a total of 5 miles, but anyone can cut that short and turn around at any time.
There will not be a “leader,” although someone will be keeping a species list. If you are interested in a bird walk with a leader (or leaders) please consider joining us for our Monthly Beginning Birding Walks held at Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery the first Saturday of every month. More information about this program can be found here.
No spotting or shuttling of cars will be available unless you arrange your own. The Kal-Haven Trail walks are handicap accessible.
If you would like to be in an email group to be notified of the latest status of the walks or to discuss weather conditions, please send an email to Joyce Leppard at
Hosted by ASK