Monthly Meeting Cancellation Policy
If the weather is questionable, please check the Audubon Society of Kalamazoo’s website ( or the ASK Facebook page for a cancellation announcement of our monthly meetings.
Field Trip Cancellation Policy
Field trips and bird counts are held rain or shine; they are only cancelled in severe weather. Contact the leader listed or check the ASK Facebook page if conditions are questionable.
Events Single Title Field Trip - Ft. Custer State Recreation Area
April 12, 2025
Join us to search for early migrant songbirds, grebes, raptors, and remaining duck species. We’ll explore several locations in the park, scanning the lakes for waterfowl, and hiking along field and woodland edges looking for flycatchers, vireos, sparrows and warblers. The parking lot is gravel, and we will walk about 2 miles on level to moderately sloping dirt trails.
Meet at the Oakland Dr./I-94 park & ride at 8:00am for caravan arrangements, or drive seperately and meet at Fort Custer's mountain biking parking lot (just past the park office, take the left hand fork and follow to the parking lot on the right just after the turnoff to the equestrian parking) at 8:30am. (See map below.)
A Michigan recreation passport or entry fee is required.
Leaders: Susan Creager (269) 716-7988, Kent Martin (256) 751-3358
Hosted by ASK